Corrugated stainless steel pipe DN25

OEG no.: 516002512
  • Also replaces
    schließen Also replaces:
    • OEG: 516002440 (OEG Assembly kit corrugated pipe DN25)
Zoom Corrugated stainless steel pipe DN25
OEG no. : 516002512

High-quality corrugated V4A stainless steel pipe for quick and flexible connection of heat pumps, heating, solar and refrigeration systems. Due to the high flexibility, corrugated stainless steel pipe...

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High-quality corrugated V4A stainless steel pipe for quick and flexible connection of heat pumps, heating, solar and refrigeration systems. Due to the high flexibility, corrugated stainless steel pipe is particularly suitable where low bending radii are required in the installation. The pipe can be shortened individually by using stainless steel pipe cutters and, therefore, it can be used in system construction in many ways.

OEG no. 516002512
PU 10 metres
Type: Corrugated tube
Material: Stainless steel 1.4404, AISI 316L
Pressure max. [bar]: 10
Temperature max. [°C]: 130
pmax Corrugated pipe [bar]: 6
Weight [kg]: 2,70
Nominal size: DN20
Internal diameter [mm]: 25
Outer diameter [mm]: 31,80
Manufacturer OEG
Also replaces
  • OEG: 516002440 (OEG Assembly kit corrugated pipe DN25)
Customs tariff number 83071000

Bonjour, Nous aimerions avoir les diamètres intérieur et extérieur de ce tubé avec les taillons de courbure. Pour le 25 et le 32. L’avez-vous en stock?. Cordialement

Answer OEG:

Tuyau ondulé en acier inoxydable DN25
(OEG n° ) :

Diamètre intérieur [mm]: 25
Diamètre extérieur [mm] : 31,80
Rayon de courbure minimum du coude unique [mm] : 60
Rayon de courbure nominal pour mouvements fréquents [mm] : 335
Statut de livraison : Disponible en stock

Tuyau ondulé en acier inoxydable DN32
(N° OEG : ) :

Diamètre intérieur [mm]: 32
Diamètre extérieur [mm] : 40
Rayon de courbure minimum du coude unique [mm] : 70
Rayon de courbure nominal pour mouvements fréquents [mm] : 390
Statut de livraison : Disponible en stock


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