Regolazione riscaldamento a distanza RVD 120A Landis & Staefa RVD120A

Codice OEG: 212100400
Zoom Regolazione riscaldamento a distanza RVD 120A Landis & Staefa
Codice OEG : 212100400

Parameter and setpoint setting with rotary knob and menu-controlled. Display of all operating modes via built-in display.
Week program with 3 time settings per day and holiday operation.

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Parameter and setpoint setting with rotary knob and menu-controlled. Display of all operating modes via built-in display.
Week program with 3 time settings per day and holiday operation.
DRT limitation for maximum decrease of the return temperature.
Relay and sensor test.
- Frost protection
- Pump and valve protection.

- Maximum limitation of return temperature 1 pump heating circuit
- Control of flow temperature with options:
- weather-compensated
- weather- and room temperature compensated
- room temperature compensated only
- Automatic heating limitation
- Automatic adaptation of the heating characteristic

Process water preparation:

- Storage tank system with 1 tank sensor
- Load pump

Technical data:

- Operating voltage: AC 230 V +15/-10 %
- Analogue inputs:
- 1 x Ni1000/NTC575
- 1 x Ni1000/Pt500
- 3 x Ni1000
- Relay outputs: 4 x AC 230 V, 2 A

Per ulteriori informazioni consultare Download

Codice OEG 212100400
Produttore Siemens
Numero di produttore RVD120A
Peso [kg] 0,75
Codice doganale 90321020
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